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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Review the article thoroughly paying close attention to both the abstract and conclusion sections of the article selected. Then answer ALL the following questions

What is the problem statement addressed by the article?
What is the research question addressed by the article?
What methodological approach does the research employ?
Qualitative? Quantitative? Mixed methods?

How well was the research designed?
Did the authors discuss any limitations of the particular research design selected by the article?
What limitations, that may not have been mentioned in the article, come to mind as you reviewed the articles methodology and findings?

What were the articles findings?
Do those findings have any bearing on future research to be conducted on the horizon?

How would you evaluate the article overall from a research methodological perspective?

This assignment should be six to eight pages in length double spaced using APA citation form and style with a minimum of four reference sources used as in-text citations to support your most salient points.


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