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4 Tasks,1st And 2nd Both 250 Words 3 Hrs.Task 3 And 4 Are 250 Words For Each 7 Hrs

1st task is for that 2 pictures,

2nd is for the doc 

3:last doc 250 words

4: Abortion: should abortion be legal?

In 1973, the US Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that a womans right to choose to have an abortion must be protected, thereby making legal abortion the law of the land. Since then, a slew of states have worked to restrict access to abortion in a variety of fashions, without directly contradicting the ruling. With a conservative majority currently sitting on the Supreme Court, this controversial issue may get another look someday soon. Should abortion be legal throughout the US? Or should access to abortion be determined by states? Does abortion violate the unborns right to life? Or does making abortion illegal violate a womans control over her own body?

Affirmative: Yes, abortion should be legal. Provide reasoning and evidence supporting the motion.

Find at least 3 sources

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