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Archive for September, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsAfter collecting enough information about the target during Deliverable 2 (Reconnaissance and Scanning Plan), you will describe how to use that information to gain access to Haverbrook’s systems. Your one- to two-page plan on gaining access should include: details of the gaining access process in regards to the techniques commonly used to exploit low-privileged user […]

The Adolescent Brain

View The adolescent brain video. Use rubric for your essay. https://www.ted.com/talks/sarah_jayne_blakemore_the_mysterious_workings_of_the_adolescent_brain?language=en This is your essay rubric: 1. Identify 3 claims made in this video. 2. Identify 3 pieces of evidence that either support or refute those claims. Make sure you clearly state the part about support or refute. For example, if in the video you […]

Designing experiment

Design an Experiment. Using the knowledge you gained from HW 1, propose a novel hypothesis for a future study. The hypothesis should have an independent variable, a dependent variable, be testable, and be falsifiable. Plan an experiment to test your proposed hypothesis. Summarize your planned experiment in 1-3 paragraphs, including purpose, methods (including controls), expected […]

Autonomous Robot navigation for Pick-and-Place Robot

This is part of a pick-and-place autonomous mobile robot project similar to the ‘Swift Robot by IAM Robotics’. The part i want you to write is NOT about the robot’s arm or the picking. The part i want is how to navigate the robot’s lower part so that it can move in a small room […]

Interpretive Questions

From Grasping God’s Word, page 289 (Assignment 15-1). Apply the 2 interpretive questions used to read the Gospels (as found in chapter 15 of Grasping God’s Word ) to Matthew 24:43-25:13.  Record your findings in a chart (Word file). See page 289 of Grasping God’s Word for the chart template. Submit your Word file to […]

Doctoral Identity

Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research, then, is creating a new idea from existing ideas. Synthesis of research is not a single innate skill. Rather, it is a process learned through time and practice. At the doctoral level, writing is a continual process of revision as […]

Applying the Interpretive Journey: Prophets & Wisdom

For 1 of the passages below (from Grasping God’s Word), apply the Interpretive Journey. Answer (type into a Word document) the specific questions listed under Step 1 of page 416 of Grasping God’s Word. Then write a paragraph for each of the other steps (typed in your Word document). Micah 6:6-8 (Assignment 21-1)Jeremiah 7:1-7 (Assignment […]

proper storage techniques of hazardous material

Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of your degree program (APA).Clear evidence that the topic was researched and expanded upon the week 2 Project Plan (CO2 & 5).Presentation provides audience with information to increase their knowledge of the topic presented (CO1).Presentation engages the audience […]

Applying the Interpretive Journey: Narrative & Law

For 1 of the passages below (from Grasping God’s Word), study the text and make as many observations as you can. Mark the observations in a Word document. Be sure that you understand the meaning of all the words. Do background study and word studies as needed to understand each term. Next, identify the historical-cultural […]

Measurement and the metric system

Just fill in the report measuring things around your house. Do not do questions number 5 and 9 concerning cubes. Please write in pen and please send back as a pdf. Please watch out for significant numbers. The report starts from page 12-26. Its the first lab. This is what the professor wrote:n a metric, […]

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